A picture paints a thousand words:
Graphs and maps are a powerful
way to communicate.
uNapse is a strictly visual platform
   ready to be the dashboard of your life.
Don't just post things and wait for someone to see it.
Sharing is doing things together!
You give, and you receive.
uNapse is a truly collaborative platform
taking "social web" seriously.
You are never alone.
Your friends and contacts are like a social brain!
See what they can contribute to whatever is your passion.
uNapse is a thought connector
bringing together what belongs together.
You deserve to be understood.
What really matters to you,
should be understood.
uNapse is a semantic platform
thinking in entities of meaning,
always trying to understand what you talk about.
There's no need to re-invent social networks.
Your list of contacts is a great resource,
yet you'll need to take full advantage of it.
uNapse is a hub
using and leveraging your social network contacts
to pursue your goals.
This website and its content is copyright of Jan Mirus, 2011 - 2013. uNapse is a registered U.S. and EU trademark. U.S. patent no. 8,380,716 B2.
We decline any responsibility for anything unwise, inappropriate, or otherwise doomed you might do now or in future inspired by, or with the help of this website.
Nothing down here.